Transport Assessments

Transport Assessment and Planning Services
Our Chartered Transport Planners assist with various requirements for your project, including:
- Travel Plans / Sustainable Travel Statements
- Parking Surveys
- Traffic Surveys
- Delivery and Servicing Management Plans
- Car Park Management Plans
- Data Analysis
- Construction Management Plans / Construction Logistics Plans
These reports and surveys are often necessary for prior approval applications or change of use applications, such as converting properties to new flats or new medical or educational uses (D1).
Approach to Drafting a Transport Assessment
When drafting a Transport Assessment, we prioritize improvements to sustainable transport modes before considering road or junction capacity enhancements. This approach helps us address the residual traffic impact of the development effectively.
First, we identify the impact of the development in terms of ‘person trips,’ broken down by transport mode. Typically, we use the TRICS database for calculating trip rates for various developments. Alternatively, bespoke survey data from similar nearby sites may provide a more accurate estimate.
Next, we predict trip distribution using techniques such as gravity models or existing travel pattern information. We also account for current person/vehicle trips on the site and adjust these to show the net increase or decrease during peak periods (weekday AM/PM and weekend).
After estimating net trips, we examine the local transport network to determine if it can handle the additional trips. This involves assessing highway links and junctions, often requiring junction modeling for existing, opening, and future scenarios. We use traffic surveys and growth factors to predict future conditions.
If the assessment reveals that additional traffic cannot be accommodated by existing infrastructure, we explore off-site improvements to mitigate the impact. We also evaluate pedestrian/cycle routes and public transport facilities, suggesting enhancements to support sustainable access.
Operational safety is another crucial aspect. We review local personal injury accident records to identify and address any safety concerns related to the development.
Finally, we summarize our findings and recommendations, ensuring compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2012) and Local Plans.
Need Assistance with a Transport Assessment or Parking Survey?
4D Planning has extensive experience providing Transport Assessments, Transport Statements, and Travel Plans for various developments in Greater London.
Get in touch with us TODAY to discuss your requirements with a Chartered Transport Planner. We will provide a non-commitment transparent competitive quote for our Transport Assessment Services. We guarantee the lowest fee for our services.
Please call us on 0203 1500 183 or email:
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